Sunday, December 15, 2013

Video Games in Class?

OnRock Band Gamee would never think to do this in a classroom situation however I think there is a very efficient way to make this work.  As a music teacher I know how hard it is to get student to feel a beat, play rhythms, and sigh read.  It takes a lot of coordination and and concentration to be able to to even on e of those things rather then all of them at once.  Seeing something and reacting to it is a rather hard task to do in real time without and practice at all.  Well there are a few videos games that can help teacher demonstrate how to learn this skill.  Two games are Guitar Hero and Rock Band.  Both are interactive music games were the player is band member and must play the given patterns they see on the screen and are given points for accuracy.  These games like many other have difficulty setting that can be changes for each students skill level and to challenge more advanced players.  Th player must play what the see in real time and if they miss too many the lose.  Though this is just a game you need to be able to feel a the beat and read the rhythms and play them correctly.  This game can aid music teachers in teaching students how to keep time and play rhythms and though this is something that is pretty early in ones musical educations if one goes by the standards, it is something that every music student and teacher struggles with.   This will also hale students feel closer to the teacher and feel that the teachers is open to what they like and do!


  1. This seems like a super fun way to get students involved. This is very mindful of the technologies most students seem to be drawn to. Even if students don't enjoy video games outside the classroom bringing it into the classroom can create an exciting experience. Also bravo in using a toy to aid in learning. I wonder what things they have to incorporate into my art classroom. I am gonna check out what popular kid toys could be integrated into my classroom, Thanks!

  2. Miles I really like the idea of incorporating the video games in the classroom. Personally, I am one with absolutely no abilitiy to keep a beat and I think playing would've helped me in music class. I really do enjoy music and listening to music, but I never persued with playing an instrument or singing. If I was introduced to these technologies at a younger age in school I may have had a total different experience with music.
